Thickening of skin of toes is called as corns. This may happen between the toes, on the top of the toes or on the tip. Mostly women are more affected by this disease.
Hard growth of skin on tip of toes
Pain on applying pressure to this hard growth
Swelling and redness along with severe discomfort around hard growth
Difficulty to wear tight shoes, socks or stockings
Dryness of skin then becomes waxy, transparent and ultimately the skin becomes a horny mass
Lack of proper treatment can lead to infection, development of ulcer or a fluid filled sack beneath hard skin
Tight fitting shoes, socks or stockings
Rubbing of shoe against toes
Deformed or crooked toes
Enlarged bursa
Manual labour
Bare foot or exposure of toes
Athletic events or activities causing pressure
Uneven distribution of weight on feet
Preventive measures
Preventive measures includes changing of footwear and using footwears of correct size. It is better to avoid high heeled shoes that can cause extreme pressure on toes. Using pads that can prevent pressure on toes can also help. Never rub the toes and make sure to use gloves on hands. Always keep hands and feet moisturized. For those who use shoes always try to go bare feet occassionally which can prevent toes from pressure. Proper hygiene of feet is also necessary. Long toenails need to be cut straight and short from one end to another. Applying some petroleum jelly before wearing shoes is helpful to prevent pressure caused by rubbing. Corn plasters need not be used especially by those having diabetes as they contain acid that eats away flesh and corn.
Most common medicines for corns is Ibuprofen which helps relieve from pain and inflammation temporarily. Antibiotics will help to heal faster. Keratolytic agents can be used to break up hardened skin or this can be done with the help of surgery. Cutting the hardened skin or shaving to remove the dry skin is also good.
If the cause is deformed or crooked toe then surgical correction will be necessary to avoid the pressure leading to corns. Remedies that contain salicyclic acid can be used but with due care as the acid is capable to burn healthy skin surrounding the corn. A mixture of collodion (a combination of Salactic Film, Duofilm and Viranol), salicylic acid and lactic acid is a very common prescription.
Alternative treatment and home care
Homeopathy treatment includes medicines like Ruta grav, Bryonia, Pulsatilla and Belladona. Hydrotherapy is yet anothe effective treatment method where foot baths with lavender, geranium, camomile, peppermint are prescribed to get relief from swelling and other symptoms. Using protective coverings on the sore will decrease friction and this will help faster healing. Always keep the skin moist. For this oils or lotions can be used. Hard skin must be removed with a pumice stone or sand paper after soaking the area in water. If the disease has occured to hands, using gloves will be helpful to avoid pressure. Soak the skin in diluted chamomile tea and after washing use a moisturiser with 20% solution of urea. This need to be done everyday. Soaking of feet in Epsom salt is also good to soften the corns. After that dry the area with a towel and apply moisturiser. Then each feet has to be wraped in a plastic bag and must be kept for one or two hours. After two hours gently rub the corns using pumice stone. Make a mixture of lime juice, water and aspirin tablet and apply it to the corn. Keep this for fifteen minutes and then rub the corn using pumice stone and apply moisturiser. Persons with diabetes must not use pumice stone. Applying Castor oil with a cotton pad and fixing it using an adhesive tape before going to bed is a good remedy. Never apply castor oil to a wound or broken skin.Applying Calendula products or lotions with urea or lactic acid are helpful to keep skin moist. Applying raw pappaya juice or juice of green fig, to affected area is a home remedy which is very effective. Placing a piece of lemon, onion, indian squill or pine apple peel on affected area overnight is also found effective. Chalk powder mixed with water to form a paste is another simple home remedy. Another mixture is lemon juice and brewer's yeast. Juice of dandelion is also effective. Mustard oil or gingly oil is to be mixed with powdered liquorices to forma paste and this has to be applied twice or thrice daily. Castor oil, Wheat germ oil, olive oil and sesame oil are also good moisturising agents. Walking bare footed on wet sand is also found effective. Mix baking soda to luke warm water and soak the feet before rubbing off the corn with pumice stone. Intake of vitamin and mineral rich light food helps to heal the corn fast. Soak Ivy leaves in vinegar overnight. Soak some bread in same water and bandage it to affected area. Continue this for some days which will work. Wrap a cloth soaked with rectified turpentine and wrap to the affected area several times a day. Soaking the area with vinegar and rubbing the corn with pumice stone is also good. Boil some oatmeal and on cooling dip the ffet in that water. This helps to get relief from pain caused by corn.
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