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Pregnancy & Piles (hemorrhoid)

Pregnancy is considered by many women one of the best feelings, and giving birth to a child is the greatest experience as part of life itself begins in the wound.

Despite the happiness associated with pregnancy, radical changes in hormones and/or constipation that often occurs with the change in diets, hemorrhoids can develop during pregnancy.The effort made during delivery also contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Sometimes, the weight of the uterus and the baby and sitting down during long periods of time, contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoidal varicose veins are extremely unpleasant. The good news is that sometimes they virtually disappear upon delivery.

During pregnancy the body has more blood circulating through the veins. All the veins specially those below the uterus become dilated and symptoms along with that are itching, burning, pain and bleeding. Bleeding from hemorrhoids is usually bright red blood more often seen in the toilet paper than in the bowl. Always get rectal bleeding check out by a doctor even if you think is due to a hemorrhoid condition.

Straining while moving your bowels puts even more pressure on the already dilated veins. Avoid constipation by drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day, eat high fiber diets and exercise regularly, You may also talk to your doctor about a stool softener.

A good exercise to strengthen the muscles in the vagina and anal is to tense the muscles for about 8 to 10 seconds at the time and doing several sets during the day. They can be done every where and no one will even notice. Strengthening the vaginal and perianal muscles will facilitate healing after delivery.
Up to 50 per cent of pregnant women suffer from haemorrhoids during pregnancy or postnatally. If you had them before pregnancy, you may get them again, though many women experience them for the first time while they're pregnant. You may also develop them during the second stage of labour, while you're pushing and bearing down. Either way, you'll find they often resolve themselves after pregnancy.

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