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Vitiligo is otherwise known as leukoderma and is a condition in which white patches appears on the skin. Medically it is known as achromia a...

RHEUMATISM (Arthritis) - Ayurvedic treatment is the best remedy

Rheumatism is a disease marked by inflammation and pain in joints and muscles, usually recurrent and often caused due to exposure to cold. It is at time associated with fever. It is not treated in time it may be affect with heart. In Ayurveda it is known as amavata. This disease is caused by production and circulation of a substance called ama in the body. This ama is produced by improper digestion as well as metabolism, and it gets lodged in joins etc.
Treatment Method
The suitable medicine for the treatment of this condition are Simhanada guggulu. The main ingredient of the medicine for this treatment is guggulu. The patients having constipative tendency Simhanada guggulu is more useful. For any other type of patients, Mahayogaraja guggulu is a better medicine.

The dose of both of them is , in the beginning , two tablets 3 times a day. After the intake of this medicine , healthy patients should be given a cup of warm water. For a weak and emaciated patients a cup of milk is indicated.

Curd, other sour things, pulses and their preparation are contra-indicated in this condition. Fried things and exceedingly cold things should be avoided as far as possible.
Other regimens
Sleep during daytime is prohibited. The patient should resort to only restricted physical exercise. Long walks at a fast speed and any exercise involving violent movement should be avoided.
Rheumatoid arthritis a generally progressive disease affecting primarily the joints which become swollen and painful. The muscles, ligaments, synovial membrane and the cartilages get inflamed and therefore movement of the joints becomes extremely painful. If it goes unchecked and the joint remains immobilized for long periods, ankylosis occurs. This leads to deformity and difficulty in movement.

Treatment Method
Mahayogaraj guggulu is given to the patient. In winter season it is given in a dose of two tablets 4 times a day. In summer season it is given in the dose of two tablets two times a day. Hot water or milk is given to the patient after these tablets. They are more effective when taken on empty stomach. Meditated oil namely Mahanarayana taila should be used for gentle massage over the joints.
In the beginning the disease is affects the small joints in fingers. Stiffness of the small muscles of the hands is generally the next event and the fingers tend to get curved and ultimately become fixed. The infection then spread towards the trunk involving the wrist joints, ankle joints, elbow joints, knee joints, shoulders, hip and jaw. If the bigger joints are affected then Brihadvata chintamani is the drug of choice. It is given in the dose of .250gm 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the intensity of the pain. The condition of the patient has become chronic, Mahayogaraj guggulu and Brihadvata chintamani , a decoction called maharasnadi kwattha should be given to the patient.

Sour things, including curd are strictly prohibited. Pulses and preparations of pulses, fried things and constipating food should be shunned. Garlic and ginger are useful for the patient, it should be given to the patient twice daily along with food. Rice should be avoided.

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