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Vitiligo - white patches appears on the skin

Vitiligo is otherwise known as leukoderma and is a condition in which white patches appears on the skin. Medically it is known as achromia a...

Different types of Yoga

- Pranayama - Uttana Padasana - Katichakrasana - Salambha Sarvangasana - Dhanurasana - Halasana - Naukasana - Ardha Pavana Muktasana - Purna Pavana Muktasana - Bhujangasana - Katichalana - Mandukasana - Marjari Asana - Paschimottanasana - Salabhasana 123 - Urdhwamukha Swanasana - Uttanasana - Vajrasana - Savasana

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